Gynecological Surgery

Gynecological Surgery

Often conditions such as pelvic pain, excessive bleeding or abnormal cell growth require surgical intervention to provide improved health and quality of life.

Our providers are continually advancing their education and staying current with the latest innovations in medicine in order to offer patients the most effective proven methods in gynecological surgery. We performs almost all surgeries laparoscopically, transvaginally, or both. Going into the cervix or uterus through the vagina rather than having to make an incision in the abdomen is safer, lower cost and result in a minimum amount of pain and a faster recovery. 

You can trust that you’re in excellent hands with our team when you need surgery to provide relief or treat a life-threatening condition.

Suspected vaginal or cervical conditions

If a normal Pap smear or pelvic exam indicates an abnormality, we may recommend a colposcopy. This noninvasive test gives the doctor an enlarged view of the cervix, with the purpose of assessing potential problems such as genital warts, benign growths, or precancerous growths. You may experience some minor cramping during and after the procedure. Recovery time is very short.

Cervical Dysplasia

When you have been diagnosed with cervical dysplasia caused by HPV (precancerous cells in the cervix and vagina), we may recommend a simple office procedure to ensure that the dysplasia will not lead to cancer. We use LEEP (the Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) to remove the abnormal cells in the cervix, allowing new healthy cells to grow. With LEEP, local anesthesia is required, and the procedure takes only a few minutes. Some cramping, dark discharge and mild bleeding are not unusual following the treatment. Recovery time is approximately one to two weeks.

Excessive bleeding

In the past, women who experienced heavy periods and excessive bleeding would be advised to have a full hysterectomy. Today we can keep the uterus intact by performing an in-office endometrial ablation (the removal of the lining of the uterus) that will stop the bleeding for most patients. There are several options for performing an endometrial ablation. Most require local anesthesia and recovery time is approximately one to two days.

Uterine fibroids, Abnormal Bleeding, and precancerous changes

Hysterectomy is not always the answer. But, when indicated, we will perform 90% of the time a vaginal, laparoscopic, or both approach to the hysterectomy. With this method, we are able to help women get back to normal activities in days, not weeks. Since we avoid a large incision, recovery is shorter and less uncomfortable.

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